
4 Ways to Overcome Distractions Working From Home

It's no secret that distractions abound when working from home. From the dishwasher dinging to the repetitive calls for "mom" to the never-ending array of comfortable spaces to read a book or let a screen capture your attention, staying focused on the task at hand can be challenging. However, you can do a few things to overcome distractions and remain productive.


8 Strategies For Entrepreneurs To Build Self-Confidence and Overcome Imposter Syndrome

If you're struggling with imposter syndrome, know you're in good company. Many highly successful people have struggled with this at some point. The first step to overcoming it is understanding what it is and how it's holding you back. Once you do that, you can start to work on building up your confidence.


11 Habits of Successful Remote Entrepreneurs

Did you know, on average, it takes almost two months to form a new habit? Nearly half of what we do daily is habitual (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 83, No. 6, 2002), meaning we do it without thinking. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that our habits are healthy, productive, and in alignment with our personal and professional goals.

The life of a remote entrepreneur can be both rewarding and challenging. For many people, the freedom and flexibility of working from home is a significant draw. But setting up some good habits is essential to maximize your success. This blog post discusses 11 best practices of successful remote entrepreneurs to inspire your future actions. Integrating specific patterns into your daily life will set you up for tremendous success as you build and grow your business to maximize your income, impact, and pleasure.


Together we create momentum

Just because you work remotely, doesn’t mean you are all alone.

The Zone is a virtual community of ambitious and passionate people who provide each other with accountability and an exceptional network for collaboration and referrals.

Together we create the momentum to keep our projects moving forward and actualize everyone’s goals.


The Power of the Collective

A Mastermind group is a collective of individuals who meet regularly to discuss and brainstorm through challenges and growth in their businesses. Napoleon Hill describes the concept of a mastermind in his book, Think and Grow Rich, saying, “no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”

The power of the collective is harnessed in a mastermind group because everyone gets a chance to come to the table with their thoughts and problems and can expect a collaborative discussion that has them walking away with new ideas, points to ponder, and ways of thinking.


The Art of Follow Up in 5 Simple Steps

As remote professionals, we should all know by now that the first rule of sales is to be authentic. After all, people can sense the difference between working to make a sale and working to serve needs and solve problems. But to close business, you need more than “just” great services and great clients. You need a strong sales process. And, if you practice the art of the follow-up, you’ll set yourself apart from the competition.

Picture this. Your dream client finds you - whether through referral, through your sales funnel, or because you pitch them directly - and you get the opportunity to connect with them on a call. Let’s say that the call goes well, and you’re picking up on all sorts of signals that tell you this will be a fantastic client relationship. You hang up feeling great about things and you send out a great proposal.


Finding Joy & Gratitude During the Holidays and Beyond

Joy and gratitude are the foundation of my business. What’s more, I help my clients to build their businesses around things that they love, to achieve that nearly mythological concept of work-life balance.

It’s a timely message for Thanksgiving week. So I am sharing some examples of people who enrich their own lives with these practices. Moreover, I’m sharing some tips for how you can inject joy and gratitude into your own life and business.


8 Reasons Freelancers Should Offer Test Projects For Online Jobs

Congratulations on landing an interview for one of the online jobs you pitched! Whether you’re talking to someone about a new full-time remote gig or taking them on as a new client, getting face time is a huge first step. However, even if after that conversation, you feel optimistic about working together, it’s always a good idea for freelancers to offer test projects before committing to a long-term relationship.


Do Your Job Posts Attract The Best Remote Workers?

As it is increasingly clear that remote work is here to stay and there is increasing demand and comfort for professionals to work from anywhere, it’s no secret that companies must be competitive to attract top talent. Whether hiring for a contract or an employee role, it’s clear that being remote-friendly is the way to go. Many of the best and brightest professionals are comfortable working from home (or wherever they want), expect to continue working remotely, and several recent studies show that remote workers are happier, stay for longer, and report better productivity.


What are your thoughts about hybrid work models?

Mine... well, for me, it's clear... for hybrid models to work well, leaders must view them as fully remote models and plan their policies and procedures accordingly.

With some team members co-located in the office and others working from remote locations, careful attention to detail is essential to maintain a healthy workplace culture, inclusive and clear communication, and maximizing productivity.


Back to the (old) office? Or…maybe, not!

COVID19 vaccines are distributed daily and the scientific community is optimistic that herd immunity is in our future. This optimism is sparking conversations about getting back to normal, especially at work. For some, this is exciting while others are not ready to dust off their dress-pants, shine their high heels, and pack their briefcases to head to their cubicles.

Will your employer require you to return to the office in person? Whether you're sure that resuming your commute is in your future and you will return to your "old normal," or your answer is "sometimes," or your shrugging your shoulders and thinking, "That's a good question..." it's time to reflect on what you want moving forward.


Introducing: Laser Coaching With Pam

Let's make your dream your reality in 2023.

Before you declare your New Year's Resolution, set yourself up with the accountability you need to achieve your goal successfully.

You can let another year pass by with the best intentions falling short, or you can invest in yourself - in your dreams - and commit to improving your reality.


Unlimited coaching with Pam for less than $84/month?

Yesterday I announced my new unlimited 1:1 laser coaching program.

Here's a quick summary of what you get:

  • Unlimited 15-minute laser coaching sessions with me over Zoom

  • Our first call is 30 minutes to confirm we are a good fit to work together.


Accountability + Strategy

As I write this email, there are only hours between 2022 and 2023.

Set yourself up with the accountability and strategy you need to achieve your New Year's Resolution before the ball drops (while you can still gain tax savings this year)!

Over the past few days, I've been talking about my brand-new laser coaching program.


Don't be most people

Happy New Year!

52.6% of people focus on one New Year's Resolution

8% of people successfully keep their resolutions.

23% of people quit by the end of the first week

64% quit after the first month


[You're Invited] TODAY at 10 AM EST

Accountability motivates us and keeps us going toward our goals and dreams, even on the more challenging days.

I created a space where you can take action among like-minded entrepreneurs and remote professionals every single minute of every single day.

It's called The Zone Community.


If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

I love the children's book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. Not only because I'm fond of chocolate chip cookies but also because I can relate to the experience of the mouse going for a cookie, needing milk, and somehow cleaning his entire house before passing out for a nap.

When I start working on a big project, I often write my end goal on a post-it and keep it front and center, so I remember what I am trying to achieve during a specific work session. It's common for the quest for a link to embed in an email to take me in an entirely different direction.


Follow through for YOU

Accountability is powerful.

It is about doing what you say you are going to do.

Accountability is on steroids when you add a partner or community!

These relationships provide you with the support you

need to follow through.


Imagine the possibilities

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is the first step towards building relationships in business that may lead to collaboration opportunities.

Picture this:

You're building your virtual assistant agency, have a few clients, enjoy your work, and love the freedom and flexibility of location-independent entrepreneurship.

Only you don't love chasing clients, and you would enjoy someone to bounce an idea off from time to time and chat about a great movie for a few minutes between projects.


Together we create momentum

Just because you work remotely, doesn’t mean you are all alone.

The Zone is a virtual community of ambitious and passionate people who provide each other with accountability and an exceptional network for collaboration and referrals.

Together we create the momentum to keep our projects moving forward and actualize everyone’s goals.

Whether you attend every scheduled co-working session or pop in once per week, you will tackle more of your tasks, see the productivity boost from getting into a flow state, expand your network, and learn new skills.