Written By Pamela Meister

Follow through for YOU

Accountability is powerful.

It is about doing what you say you are going to do.

Accountability is on steroids when you add a partner or community!

These relationships provide you with the support you need to follow through.

When you define realistic goals, share them with your accountability partner(s), and support each other to follow through, you will want to be prepared to succeed - because it will happen!

The goal you set will become your achievement!

You will be taken more seriously at work - because your clients, colleagues, and the team will know that when you say you are doing something - YOU DO!

My oldest daughter, Malerie, always says, "Mom, you don't try, you do it!" This is in response to me always declaring my intention to her to "try my best" at whatever we are setting forth to accomplish.

She knows that when I say I am going to do something for her, I do. It's honestly one of the best compliments she can offer. It's one she's offered since she was very young. I'm not sharing this to brag, but to share the power of accountability and how a small child recognizes its importance and meaning.

Make YOURSELF proud. Hold yourself to the highest standards. Follow through for YOU.

That's how you maximize your impact in life - whatever you are doing. Whether it's for work, or something personal, when you can stand by your word, your confidence grows, and others know it too, amazing things happen!

When you join The Zone Community, you gain access to our virtual co-working space 24/7 and our regularly expert-hosted sessions.

You also gain accountability to yourself to declare your specific goals, create a plan to achieve them, dedicate time consistently to take action!!

Then you gain the benefits of accountability that comes by surrounding yourself with people who are cheering you on and supporting you when obstacles arise and helping you overcome them, and then celebrating when everything comes together!

Are you willing to bet $1/day on yourself?

Our annual members say "YES" when they join The Zone for a full year. - they add planned co-working sessions to their calendars - and then they show up and get to work.

Our annual members are celebrating new clients, 10k months, and more free time to enjoy.

Our annual members are making new friends, partnering with each other, and referring clients to one another.

Our annual members are committed to success.

Now, it's your turn!

Click the link below to hold yourself accountable in 2023.

Commit to making it the most productive year yet where you take the small consistent actions that make all the difference to improve your quality of (work) life!



Pamela Meister