Jul 20 - Written By Pamela Meister

4 Ways to Overcome Distractions Working From Home

It's no secret that distractions abound when working from home. From the dishwasher dinging to the repetitive calls for "mom" to the never-ending array of comfortable spaces to read a book or let a screen capture your attention, staying focused on the task at hand can be challenging. However, you can do a few things to overcome distractions and remain productive.

Create your ideal schedule - and stick to it!

First, it's essential to establish a start and end time for your workday. A schedule will help to create a sense of structure and limit the amount of time you have to be distracted. Even if you work a swiss cheese style schedule, as I do, having an official beginning and end is vital to creating a structure for yourself. For example, I begin my work day after my youngest child starts her nap at 9:30 AM and conclude at 9 PM. I flip flop between work, parenting, and personal obligations during this time. However, I do my best to maintain a firm boundary to stop working by 9 PM so I can get rest for my brain and body!

Take breaks

Second, take breaks throughout the day, but stick to a schedule, so you don't get too sidetracked. You can undoubtedly maintain hyper focus for 12+ hour days for a while, but eventually, you will burn out. Avoid this by integrating self-care into your workday routine. Fitting a 30-minute walk to get outside and move amongst nature can do wonders for your focus. I often find that my best ideas come when I unwind away from screens. It's also productive to phone a friend or family member once or twice a week (at least) to say hello and maintain social connections outside work

Set up your dream workspace

Third, set up a dedicated workspace in your home that is free from distractions. You may be like me and move your workspace around to various places, but it is still beneficial to have one organized workspace where you can quickly focus and get to work when you are home. It is also a good signal to your roommates and family members that you are working when you are in that specific location at home and can help remind them not to interrupt you.

Try virtual co-working

Finally, participate in virtual co-working sessions. You will build relationships with other remote workers who can offer additional ways to overcome home distractions while trying to work. You'll also become part of a supportive community that will hold you accountable for taking action so that you get more done and achieve your career goals! Read more about How Virtual Co-Working Sessions Increase Productivity, and when you are ready to try virtual co-working yourself, come hang out with us in The Zone Community. Your first month is on us! Start your first month at The Zone Community today!

By following these simple tips, you can improve your focus and be productive while working from home. If it doesn't come naturally at first, don't stress. Improving your focus is like building muscle. It takes practice, repetition, and time. That's why being part of a supportive community like The Zone can help motivate you and provide support when you need it most.

Pamela Meister