Nov 8 - Written By Pamela Meister

How Virtual Co-Working Sessions Increase Productivity

As a remote worker, do you sometimes feel like your productivity is challenged, or like it's difficult to focus? Virtual co-working sessions are the perfect solution. They allow you to work simultaneously with other remote workers while interacting in a shared virtual community. Here are four reasons why these sessions are ideal for your productivity:

Having Co-Workers Will Hold You Accountable

Accountability is a big reason why co-working sessions are great for your productivity. If you're not accountable to anyone, it's easy to make excuses and skip working on something important or put in less effort than normal. This will impact the quality of work that you produce which means missed deadlines, lower customer satisfaction, and potentially lost revenue opportunities. But, knowing your co-workers are there holding you accountable will motivate you to reach your goals.

Co-working Sessions Allow You to Share Ideas and Knowledge

Co-working sessions are the perfect way to share ideas and knowledge and to collaborate with others who are working remotely in a way that would be impossible through emails or chat messages. You'll have face-to-face time with your co-workers, which is much more effective for exchanging information than online collaboration tools alone. The real-time input and support these sessions provide can be incredibly beneficial.

Your Co-Workers Provide a Sense of Community

It's easy for remote workers to feel isolated and alone, but when you're part of a shared virtual space with others who understand and can relate to you, it's a completely different story. Co-working sessions give remote workers the sense of community they need in order to stay motivated and on track with their work.

Co-Working Sessions Create Networking Opportunities

Last but not least, co-working sessions create networking opportunities that you won't get anywhere else. You'll build relationships with other remote workers who can potentially refer business to you or recommend you for certain projects down the road. Not only will this help expand your network of connections, it could help increase revenue too!

So, if you’re looking for a way to increase your remote work productivity, co-working sessions are an excellent answer. Are you ready to make the next step towards success? Start your first month at The Zone Community today!

Pamela Meister