Jul 26 - Written By Pamela Meister

11 Habits of Successful Remote Entrepreneurs

Did you know, on average, it takes almost two months to form a new habit? Nearly half of what we do daily is habitual (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 83, No. 6, 2002), meaning we do it without thinking. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that our habits are healthy, productive, and in alignment with our personal and professional goals.

The life of a remote entrepreneur can be both rewarding and challenging. For many people, the freedom and flexibility of working from home is a significant draw. But setting up some good habits is essential to maximize your success. This blog post discusses 11 best practices of successful remote entrepreneurs to inspire your future actions. Integrating specific patterns into your daily life will set you up for tremendous success as you build and grow your business to maximize your income, impact, and pleasure.

Set a Schedule

One habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to set a schedule and stick to it. A set schedule will help you stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed. Make sure to schedule some time for breaks, personal time, and work time. Starting your morning with a routine is a great way to kick off your schedule and maintain consistency. For example: take a walk, enjoy your favorite morning beverage, and begin your work day by responding to emails for 20 minutes before your first video conference.

Take Breaks

Another habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to take breaks throughout the day. It's important to step away from your work every once in a while to clear your head and recharge. Taking a few minutes to go for a walk or grab a coffee can make a big difference in your productivity.

Get Dressed

Successful remote entrepreneurs get dressed for work, even if they are working from home. Just because you're not going into an office doesn't mean you should lounge around in your PJs all day! Getting dressed for work will help you to get into the right mindset for a productive day. You don't have to wear a business suit but choose something comfortable, neat, and coordinated so you feel polished and are ready for an impromptu meeting on camera.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

Another habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to create a dedicated workspace. This can be a separate room in your house or just a corner of your living room that you can clear out for work. Having a dedicated workspace will help you to stay focused and avoid distractions.

Take Advantage of Technology

Successful remote entrepreneurs take advantage of technology. There are many tools and apps that can help you to be more productive and organized. Make sure to explore your options and find the ones that work best for you. A project management tool, for example, can help you set priorities, stay on top of what you have to accomplish, and delegate to dispersed team members. A constituent relationship management system can help you automate lead generation and also manage and track proposals, contracts, client communications, and more!

Set Goals

Another habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to set goals. Having specific goals to work towards will help you stay motivated and on track. Make sure to break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more attainable. I like to set my top three goals for the week each Sunday and update them as the week progresses, if necessary. This helps me to stay focused on what's most important, and when I check off all three items from my list I can move forward to something else feeling accomplished.

Network Online

One habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to network online. There are many ways to connect with other entrepreneurs online, such as through social media or online forums. Networking can help you to find new opportunities and grow your business. I always recommend maintaining time in your schedule for coffee chats to get to expand your professional network even when you aren't actively seeking new clients. Planting seeds today will help you foster strong relationships for the future. I'm always interested in getting to know new people, so reach out if you're interested in having virtual coffee with me.

Stay Connected

A habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to stay connected with their team. This can be done through video conferencing, chat apps, or even just regular old phone calls. Staying connected will help you build relationships and stay up-to-date on what's happening. It also keeps you visible and on the forefront of your colleague's minds, which is especially helpful when working in a remote environment.

Be Flexible

Flexibility is another key habit of successful remote entrepreneurs. Things will inevitably come up that can throw off your schedule or plans. Being flexible will help you to adapt and still get things done. It will also help you pivot your business when necessary to maximize your income and impact.

Take Time for Yourself

Another habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to take time for themselves. This can be used for anything from taking a break to working on a personal project. It's important to ensure that you're taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Taking time for yourself will help you stay healthy and be more productive.

Work in sprints

A final habit of successful remote entrepreneurs is to work in sprints. This means working for a set amount of time and then taking a break. This can help you to stay focused and avoid burnout. Make sure to schedule breaks into your day so you can recharge and return to your work refreshed. We work in sprints in The Zone Community so our members can stay focused and productive throughout the day while co-working together.

So there you have it, 11 habits of successful remote entrepreneurs. If you can incorporate even a few of these into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to success. Want to meet other remote workers and entrepreneurs? Join our free Coffee Chat Club and receive weekly introductions to like-minded professionals who are looking to develop meaningful connections.

Pamela Meister

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