Written By Pamela Meister

Unlimited coaching with Pam for less than $84/month?

Yesterday I announced my new unlimited 1:1 laser coaching program.

Here's a quick summary of what you get:

  • Unlimited 15-minute laser coaching sessions with me over Zoom

  • Our first call is 30 minutes to confirm we are a good fit to work together.

  • During the first call, we will also identify your top goals, clarify your next best steps to take action toward achieving them, and agree on your homework to complete before your next session.

  • After each call, I'll send you a confirmation of your homework and a link to sign up for your next session.

The Rules:

  • You can schedule as many 15-minute coaching sessions as you like for the next 12 months, but you must do your homework before scheduling each session.

  • The homework serves as accountability, requiring you to take the actions necessary to achieve your desired results.

Why I'm Offering Laser Coaching:

  • I can help more people at an affordable investment.

  • I like working with high-achieving action-takers!

  • Super-focused, shorter calls are energizing and productive.

The Guarantee:

  • During our first call, If I don't think I can help you achieve your goals or you don't think we are a good fit, we'll cancel the agreement, and I'll refund your investment (so there's no risk).

The Bonuses:

  • Free membership to The Coffee Chat Club; we introduce you to like-minded remote professionals and entrepreneurs weekly who want to meet you and share networking tips. (a $997 value)

  • Email Access to Pam for homework help and quick questions during the year ($997 value)

  • One-month membership to The Zone Community, where you can join virtual co-working sessions and take action daily ($45 value)! The Zone is open 24/7!

If you want my 1:1 help for less than $84/month, grab your spot:


I am looking forward to working with you in 2023!


Pamela Meister