Written By Pamela Meister

Don't be most people

Happy New Year!

52.6% of people focus on one New Year's Resolution

8% of people successfully keep their resolutions.

23% of people quit by the end of the first week

64% quit after the first month

Most people fail because they have yet to commit to the desired change fully.

Don't be most people!

Commit to your goal by investing in the motivation, accountability, and strategy that will help you be one of the 8% this year and build momentum from day 1.

Grab one of the remaining spots to work with me this year as part of my brand-new laser coaching program.

It was designed to hold you accountable!

You must complete your homework task between each call before scheduling our next session.

You get UNLIMITED 15-minute sessions for one year (including email support between our calls) for less than $84/month.

It's a no-brainer if you want to work with me 1:1 and keep your resolution.

If you'd like one of the few open spots, grab it here:



Pamela Meister