Oct 18 - Written By Pamela Meister

The 5 best ways to increase your productivity while working from home

How do you increase your productivity while working from home? That's the question many of us have asked ourselves lately. It can be tough, but there are some tips that will help you focus more on what you need to do and less on the distractions around your house. In this blog post I'll share with you some of my favorite ways to stay productive when working from home.

Create a distraction-free workspace

The first way to increase your productivity is to find a quiet place in the house that will not be interrupted. You can't really get into flow if you're constantly being distracted by household chores or family members walking around looking for things they need. Find an area of the house where there isn't much going on and shut yourself off from the noise. If you can’t close the door, have a “do not disturb” sign or other symbol to indicate that you’re focused on work. You can even use earplugs and noise-canceling headphones to block out the dialogue of your loved ones. Don’t forget to make the space comfortable and inviting for yourself - after all, it’s where you’ll be spending your work hours!

Create a schedule

Scheduling is also important when it comes to increasing productivity while working from home. You need to create specific times for work, breaks, meals, chores, exercise, etc. in order to maintain your work-life balance. It's easy to get distracted by other aspects of your life, but by adhering to a set schedule you can hold yourself accountable. This also helps you maximize your flexibility, so you have more time for self care and what brings you joy, not just for work.

Take breaks when needed

Taking regular breaks is another way to increase productivity while working from home. If you're sitting at your desk for hours on end without stopping, not only are you going to lose focus, you're also going to lose energy. It's important that you take breaks when needed so that your brain can come back in focus and be ready for work once again.

Limit social media time

Social media is a huge distraction when trying to stay productive. There are so many ways you can waste time on social media, so it's best to limit your time there. Install a plugin that blocks sites like Facebook and Twitter for certain periods of time or use an app that limits the number of times you can access them each day. It will be hard at first, but once you get used to not having those distractions around all the time, you'll be much more productive.

Prioritize tasks

Last but not least, prioritizing is an excellent way to increase productivity while working from anywhere. If you don't prioritize, you may find yourself constantly putting out fires and never getting any real work done. Make a list of the things that need to get done for each day or week ahead of time so that your mind can rest easy knowing exactly what needs to be accomplished next.

Keeping your productivity up while working from home can be a struggle, but with these 5 tips you'll be more productive in no time! For an even more productive environment, check out The Zone Community, a remote work community designed to increase accountability and promote success so you can achieve your goals. Start your first month today!

Pamela Meister