Oct 4 - Written By Pamela Meister

Should I join a coworking community?

Online co-working communities are gaining popularity for a reason: they offer a lot of benefits.

Workers who join this type of community will find themselves with all the resources they need to stay accountable, network online with others in their profession and other professions, share knowledge and ideas, get motivated, or just have someone to talk to when work becomes overwhelming. There are so many reasons to join a virtual co-working community, and these are just a few.

Increased Productivity

Virtual co-working helps to increase productivity, sometimes drastically. Workers are much more likely to show up every day and put in the work when there are others there too. Members of these communities serve to keep each other accountable, as well as motivate each other to work harder towards their goals. Some members have even reported seeing their productivity double almost immediately.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Co-working communities also provide opportunities for collaboration in multiple ways. Workers can network with each other, both within their own profession and with those in other professions. And since the communities are virtual, members may be networking all over the globe. These communities also allow workers to share ideas and knowledge with each other, lending their expertise, offering suggestions, or simply providing a second opinion. Teams get to show up together to make progress on a shared project or goal in real-time.

Sense of Community

Lastly, one amazing aspect of online co-working communities that can't be ignored is that they truly are communities. People no longer have to feel isolated just because they're working remotely. In these communities, your co-workers are there in the chat if you need encouragement. They form a built-in support network, which is often missing for people who work from home or another remote location. This sense of community helps workers stay positive and keep striving towards their dreams.

If you have been considering joining an online co-working community, then there is no time like the present! Whether you want to network with fellow professionals, feel less isolated, or just need some accountability, this type of community can really help improve your work life and your personal life as well.

Get in The Zone and watch your productivity soar. Learn more.

Pamela Meister