Written By Pamela Meister

I threw $ down the drain

Have you ever thrown thousands of dollars down the drain?

Early in my business, I invested in a course for $2,500.

I binged the content for about a week and logged back in once or twice, only to leave some info unwatched, unread, and left on the shelf.

Now and then, I think about why I did not consume all of the course content and follow through.

I realized that the LIVE engagement with the course creator and other students was something I missed.

There is a ton of value in creating evergreen courses and resources.

I enjoy and thrive on real-time interactions to take advantage of the learning.

That's why The Circle will provide you access to resources when they're valuable and worth your time, but that's only some of what you'll receive.

Every month we'll meet for a group coaching session to tackle most entrepreneurs' challenges and work on strategies to overcome them.

This is not your cookie-cutter group program. Coaching sessions are interactive and action-oriented, covering the topics you need most!

You can be just starting off or already running a successful business and benefit from this program because it is centered around habits that will help you improve your quality of life at work and at home.

It is designed to help you maximize your time, income, impact, and joy at every stage of your business!

Ready to save your seat at our founding member investment that is only available for our first cohort?



Pamela Meister