Written By Pamela Meister

Focus on what you do best.

If you've heard me speak, you likely heard me share my Signature -ATE Method.

Focus on what you do best.

Automate, delegate, and eliminate the rest.

A seemingly straightforward strategy until you go to implement it, and then you start to think about each component and how it fits into your work and your life, and that's where the overwhelm starts to mount.

You may ask yourself questions like:

❇️ How can I let go of control over parts of my work and outsource without worrying that quality will suffer?

❇️ Is it easier to do things myself rather than manage other people?

❇️ How do I find the right people I can trust and depend on?

❇️ I like doing "it," but it doesn't make me money. Can I justify doing "it" any longer?

❇️ Can I trust technology to automate parts of my business?

❇️ Speaking of trust, can I trust people I've never met in person to work for me?

❇️ How can I focus on my zone of genius with so many things to do?

That's where I come in. I can help you implement the -ATE Method so you are doing the things that make the most of your time, maximize your income and impact, and allows you to live a life you love.



Pamela Meister